Introduction to Scottish Country Dancing 10 September 2022
The Strasbourg Scottish Country Dancers are pleased to invite you to an introduction to Scottish Country Dancing from 14h30 to 17h30 on Saturday 10 September 2022 at the Foyer St Arbogast, 10 rue des Merovingiens, 67200 STRASBOURG.

The Strasbourg Scottish Country Dancers are pleased to invite you to an introduction to Scottish Country Dancing
What to bring: Light clothing, a pair of light shoes (gym shoes, for example) and a bottle of water. There is no charge.
Date: Saturday 10 September 2022, from 14h30 to 17h30
Location: Foyer St Arbogast, 10 rue des Merovingiens, 67200 STRASBOURG (detailed instructions on how to get to the venue)